The national League of Women Voters has called for a 10-year moratorium on new coal-fired power plants.
“Global warming is happening now,” said national League President Mary G. Wilson. “If we wait for federal action from our congressional leaders, it will be too late. We must take immediate and aggressive action to halt climate change.”
There is one coal-fired power plant under construction in Arizona, the 400 MW Springerville Generating Station Unit 4 [above].
There are 17 plants under construction across the country with another 66 in the permitting process.
Reuters.com compiled a list of the 17 plants in July:
Arizona-Springerville 400 na na
Colorado Comanche 750 Supercritical PRB*
Illinois-Springfield 200 na na
Illinois-Taylorville 630 IGCC Bitu
Iowa Council Bluffs 790 Supercritical Sub-bitu
Louisiana-Rodemacher 660 CFB** Petcoke
Nebraska-OPPD 660 na PRB
Nevada Newmont 200 Pulverized coal PRB
North Dakota
Spiritwood Station 99 Power, heat Lignite
Missouri -Iatan
(KC Power and Light) 850 Supercritical PRB
Missouri-Springfield 330 Pulverized PRB
Montana-Hardin 116 Pulverized Lignite
Penn-Northampton 110 Cogeneration na
Texas-NuCoastal 303 na Petcoke
Texas Spruce 750 na PRB
Texas-TXU Sandow 5 600 na Lignite
S. Carolina Cross
Generating Station 1,280 CFB Petcoke
Key: *Powder River Basin **Circulating Fluidized Bed