Monday, November 2, 2009

ASU hiring faculty and postdocs

The School of Earth and Space Exploration (SESE) at ASU announced that "over the next two years, the School will be hiring a large number of faculty – at a variety of ranks – in order to build its capacity for transdisciplinary research and education in earth and space science and engineering" including Astrobiology, Astrophysics, Cosmology, Earth and Space Education, Geology, Geophysics, Engineering, and Planetary Science.

Among the positions now open in SESE are:

Atmospheric and Climate Sciences
Environmental Sensor Networks
Extrasolar Planet Studies
Molecular Geobiology
Planetary Atmospheres
Planetary Surface Processes
Observational Cosmology
Instrumentation Development
Planetary Geology postdoctoral fellow

This is a phenomenal investment in growing this program.