Monday, December 14, 2009
Linking our US data network with OneGeology-Europe
Dr. Kristine Asch from the German geological survey (Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources or BGR) is in Tucson this week working with Steve Richard and the rest of the AZGS Geoinformatics Section on developing common standards between the US Geoscience Information Network (GIN) and the European Union's OneGeology-Europe data system.
She is the author of the 1:5 million scale International Geological Map of Europe and Adjacent Areas, which was published by BGR in November 2005, and is leader of OneGeology's Work Package 3: 1:1 million pan-European geological data specification, identification and sourcing.
Kristine also chairs the Commission for the Management and Application of Geoscience Information (CGI) of the International Union of Geological Sciences which has been responsible for the development of the Geoscience Markup Language, GeoSciML. We are using GeoSciML in GIN.