Sunday, February 14, 2010

Geothermal power plant proposed near St. Johns, Arizona

The New York Times reported last week about a proposal made last Fall to use carbon dioxide produced from a geologic reservoir in the St. John's area of eastern Arizona as the driving fluid in a geothermal power plant.  Enhanced Oil Resources which is developing the CO2 and helium in the St. John's area, partnered with GreenFire Energy out of Utah, to propose a test of new technology.

The companies said they planned to drill four test wells in 2010, although no permits have yet been filed with the Arizona Oil and Gas Conservation Commission which will have to approve the applications.

The companies anticipate sufficient heat at depth that naturally-produced CO2 would be run through a heat-exchanger just like steam is in a traditional geothermal power system, and then re-injected into the rock.