The Arizona Silver Belt newspaper in Globe notes that opponents of the Resolution Copper mine project in Superior [right, #10 shaft. Credit, Resolution Copper], the San Carlos Apaches, the Inter Tribal Council of Arizona and the Arizona Mining Coalition, all showed up at public comment session to oppose water quality permits for the proposed $4 billion mine. But they asked where were economic development proponents from Globe-Miami, Superior, and Gila County:
However, none of the leaders or members of the Economic Development group appeared in person at the July 19th ADEQ Superior hearing to counter anti statements made by the three outspoken opponents of the mine . Nor did the EDC attempt to submit some kind of statement in support of the two water quality permits before the July 30 deadline.
[correction 8-21-10, 17:00 -my original post incorrectly labeled the photo as #9 shaft instead of #10. Thanks to Nyal Niemuth at ADMMR for spotting the error and sending photos of the differences.]