Congratulations to the "Ask A Biologist" website [right] hosted at ASU. It just won the AAAS Science Prize for Online Resources in Education (SPORE) prize.
The Arizona Daily Star reports that "The website was set up 11 years ago to answer questions about biology from schoolchildren. It has grown from a single page in 1999 to a 2,500-page cornucopia of science stories, puzzles, podcasts, cartoons, activities and instructional materials. It now attracts 1 million unique visitors each year," with 150 scientist volunteers helping to answer questions.
And belated kudos to the UA College of Science for their 32-page supplement [right] published in the Daily Star on Nov 14, showcasing "Science: Exploring Our World and Ourselves." UA science dean (and geologist) Joaquin Ruiz introduced the magazine with the editorial "Tucson is a science city." Articles came from UA faculty including topics such as the Phoenix Mars mission, caves and climate, making mountains, the Mars HiRISE mission, and tree ring research.