Saturday, March 19, 2011

Company expects Holbrook potash mining in 5 years

Passport Potash company president Joshua Bleak expects to start construction of a potash mine in the Holbrook basin in 3 years with actual mining to begin in 5 years, according to a story in the Arizona Journal. Bleak and other company personnel spoke to a group of about 100 local government and business leaders and company investors at a luncheon set up at the potash exploration site on Monday. [right, potash sample. Credit, USGS]

According to the news article the company is considering either underground or solution mining options. Solution mining would require about 2,000 gallons of water per minute. The project "has the potential for 1,000 to 1,500 construction jobs, and 300 to 500 full-time jobs that will provide an annual salary of around $70,000," according to Bleak.

Passport and the other company active in the area, HNZ LLC, are each in the midst of extensive drilling and exploration programs in the basin.