Chris Crosby with the OpenTopography project at San Diego Supercomputer Center reports that they have acquired "5 meter resolution LiDAR topography data for the epicentral region of the Sunday, April 4th 2010 magnitude 7.2 El Mayor - Cucapah earthquake in northern Baja, Mexico. These data, which cover an area of over 2,000 square kilometers southwest of Mexicali, were acquired in 2006 by the Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Geografía (INEGI), a Mexican government agency." [right, full INEGI data set area, outlined in light blue. US/Mexico border in yellow. Mexicali is in upper right. Credit, OpenTopography]
Chris expects that new, high resolution LiDAR data will be acquired for the earthquake rupture zone in the next few weeks, which will "present an exciting opportunity for comparing pre- and post-event data to calculate near-field deformation along the rupture. "