Real estate developers whose properties surround the proposed underground in situ Florence Copper Project, formed the opposition group Protect Our Water Our Future, which made a presentation to the City of Florence, arguing the project will threaten groundwater in the area. [right, groundwater cross section through copper deposit. Credit Curis Resources, via POWOF presentation]. Curis disputes many of the claims.
Upcoming public hearings on Curis Resources proposal to change their project area zoning back to commercial/industrial to allow the in situ copper recovery project to go forward:
1st Hearing with the Planning and Zoning Commission -September 15, 2011. (Anthem at Merrill Ranch Sun City Community Center –3925 North Sun City Boulevard at 5:30 PM)
2nd Hearing with the Planning and Zoning Commission–October 6, 2011. (Town Hall Council Chambers –775 North Main Street at 5:30 PM.)
Town Council hearing–November 7, 2011 (Town Hall Council Chambers –775 North Main Street at 6:00 PM.)