Thursday, September 8, 2011

Public hearing set on future of Arizona Geological Survey

The public hearing on the future of the Arizona Geological Survey is scheduled for 2:30 pm on Monday, October 17, in Phoenix.

Statutory authority for AZGS ends on June 30, 2012. The Legislature has convened a Committee of Reference to decide if AZGS should continue, be revised or consolidated, or terminated. We submitted our accomplishments for the past 10 years to the Committee along with an extensive response to 17 questions they posed about our role, benefits to Arizona, and options for the future.

The next step is the public hearing, which will be in Senate Hearing Room 109 at the State Capitol.

Following that, the Committee will make its recommendations in the form of draft legislation to be submitted to the full Legislature in January. This must be done by December 1.

We are waiting on details on how you can submit testimony to the Committee and will post that when we get it.