Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Hundreds of bills filed today in Arizona Legislature

House members filed a few hundred bills in the Arizona Legislature today, while the Senate kept theirs to a couple dozen. After a quick scan, here are a handful that caught my attention:

HB2259 - Cut the salaries of state agency directors by 10% (hey, that's me!)
HB2265 - AZ Mining & Mineral Museum restoration
HB2295 - Renewable energy net metering
HB2317 - State Land Dept appropriation (but the amount is left blank)
HB2393 - Drought emergency groundwater transfers
HB2470 - LPG emergencies, liability
HB2527 - Well ownership, sale; registration

You can read the full bill, status, sponsors, etc, at http://www.azleg.gov/bills.asp