Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Arizona geology stories in the news

There have been some great stories in the press and online this past week covering Arizona geology. Here's a short list:

The brains beneath the bedrock (about Troy Pewe) [Arizona (Flagstaff) Daily Sun]

A Look at the Marcus Landslide in the McDowell Mountains of Arizona [Wayne Ranney's Earthly Musings blog about work by AZGS geologist Brian Gootee and colleague John Douglass -right, from John's Marcus Landslide Virtual Fieldtrip]

Verde River basin remains geologically active [Steve Ayers story in the Verde Independent about AZGS mapping]

Big Chino Fault has a long history of big quakes [Steve Ayers story in the Verde Independent about AZGS mapping]

What Lies Beneath the Tucson Valley [Jonathan DuHamel's blog in the Tucson Citizen]

A cautionary tale of growth: Analysis shows how Verde River might go dry [interview with Ed Wolfe in Verde Independent]