Thursday, April 2, 2009
Ores & Orogenesis proceedings volume is available
The Arizona Geological Society's Digest 22, Ores and Orogenesis: Circum-Pacific Tectonics, Geologic Evolution, and Ore Deposits, was delivered by the printer today and is now on sale for $75 plus tax and shipping at the AZGS map & bookstore in Tucson.
The 622-page volume makes extensive use of color to present many of the talks from the hugely successful AGS symposium of the same name held in the fall of 2007. Editors Jon Spencer and Spencer Titley say about half the papers are tectonics-oriented, and half are about ore deposits. It's a powerful combination.
AGS members can buy a copy at the monthly dinner meetings. 300 copies of the 1,000 copy press run were pre-ordered and are being mailed out now. The rest are expected to sell briskly.