Friday, May 8, 2009
Pregnant Cretaceous turtle found in southern Utah
The story of a Cretaceous turtle with three eggs found in Grand Staircase Escalante National Monument, in southern Utah, actually broke on April 15, but it's only now being picked up the general news outlets. As of this evening, there are at least 160 reports being carried by news providers worldwide.
[right, turtle fossil waits for a CT scan at Bozeman Deaconess Hospital. The egg seen in the open area of the shell prompted MSU researchers to look for more eggs inside the shell. Credit, MSU photo by Kelly Gorham]
The team that found this Adocus in 2006 was led by Alan Titus, paleontologist at the Monument, and Barry Albright, a researcher from the University of Northern Florida. There are more photos at the MSU news site.