Thursday, November 6, 2008

Geo-jargon pops up everywhere

George Davis pointed it out early this week - the news media loves geologic terms to describe big events. Here's a few examples from the past couple of days:

" Obama administration energy and environment policy marks a tectonic shift for the nation" - Wall Street Journal, 11-6-08

"an economic tsunami created an Obama tsunami" -, 11-5-08

"...another election earthquake" - Times Online, 11-6-08

And first prize goes to Australia's 'The Age' for this Oct. 28 triple whammy:

'Experts' kept building up debt along a fault line
The economic tectonic plate in the US was primed for a huge shift. But in other ways, a tsunami is a very poor analogy for this financial crisis.

[right, San Andreas fault, Calif]